You will be giving a short ( 4-6 minute ) speech on a given safety/OSHA topic. Your speech will be based upon the writing assignment you are to complete. The writing assignment and speech will be graded separately. Your speech will not be you standing in front of the class and simply reading your paper aloud; your paper should serve as a starting off or reference point for your speech. In the construction industry, these types of speeches are known as safety talks, job box/gang box talks. A foreman usually reads a topic to his/her crew and the crew then signs a sheet of paper. This covers the OSHA recordkeeping requirement of on-going job safety. YOU will be the expert when talking to the class and they will be signing a sheet you will give them.
The writing assignment should contain a minimum of 5 paragraphs, each paragraph contains at least 4sentences. A sentence does NOT contain only 4 words. You will be providing an introductory paragraph about your topic, a main body paragraph ( or two ) describing the topic, a paragraph referencing OSHA standards and data, and a concluding paragraph. You may use your notes and handouts from OSHA, the OSHA website, or other technically related electrical sites for your background information.
A rubric and graphic organizer will be provided.