Friday, October 23, 2015

OSHA writing rubric

  1 point
  2 points
     3 points
    4 points
Logic &

Does not develop ideas,
uneven and
ineffective overall
organization, unclear
introduction or
Develops and organizes ideas in paragraphs that are not necessarily
connected. Some organization, but some ideas seem illogical, unrelated, unfocused introduction or conclusions.
Develops coherent ideas within paragraphs with generally adequate transitions; clear overall organization relating most ideas together, good introduction and conclusion.
Develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically with
paragraphs and connects them with effective transitions. Clear and specific introduction and conclusion.


Employs words that are unclear, inadequate sentence structures
for clarity, errors are seriously distracting.
Word forms and sentence structures are adequate to convey basic meaning. Errors cause noticeable distraction.
Word forms are correct,
sentence structure is
effective. Presence of a few errors is not distracting.
Employs words with fluency, develops concise standard English sentences, balances a variety of sentence structures effectively.

Spelling and
Writing contains
numerous errors in
spelling and grammar
which interfere with comprehension.
Frequent errors in
spelling and grammar
distract the reader
While there are minor errors, the writing follows normal conventions of spelling and grammar throughout
The writing is essentially error-free
in terms of spelling and grammar.

of Ideas

Most ideas
 are unsupported, confusion between personal and
external evidence,
reasoning flawed.
Presents ideas in general
terms, support for ideas
is inconsistent, some
distinctions need
clarification, reasoning unclear.
Supports most ideas with
effective examples,
references, and details,
makes key distinctions
Explores ideas thoroughly, supports points fully using a
balance of subjective and objective evidence, reasons effectively making useful distinctions.


The purpose and focus
of the writing are not
clear to the reader
The writer’s decisions
about focus,
organization, style, and
content sometimes
interfere with the purpose of the writing.

The writer has made good decisions about focus, organization, style, and content so as to achieve the
 purpose of the writing.
The writer’s decision about focus, organization, style, and
content fully elucidate the purpose and keep
at the center of the piece.

Name ________________________________   OSHA topic _____________________   Date _____________   Revised Date ______

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